Hello to all of you lovelies! Every year, the literary community gathers together for a must anticipated event-- BookCon. BookCon is an annual fan convention, which was established in New York back in 2014. Taking its name format from other fan conventions (ie Comic-Con), BookCon combines contemporary pop culture and the book industry.
Personally, I have been looking forward to BookCon for over a year. Now with the only a few weeks left before the big day-- May 14, 2016-- I cannot wait to see what is in store this year. Each year there are panels and Q&As with some of most beloved authors, comedians, celebrities and content creators. In addition to a Show Floor with the most influential publishers in the world and autograph sessions.
This year, there is over a dozen wonderful and creative guests that will be presenting and offering insight into their creative processes. For someone like me, who has been an avid reader since childhood and is an aspiring writer, BookCon's immersive experience is the ultimate celebration of the literary world. It allows an interactive, educational and creative outlet for all of my fellow book-nerds out there (don't worry, I say that with love). To be honest, I don't know what or who I'm most looking forward to-- there are too many wonderful authors and creators attending this year's event for me to choose from, but I will say that Pierce Brown, Scott Sigler, Susan Dennard, Cassandra Clare, Michael DiMartino and fellow Chicagoan Veronica Roth are definitely at the top of my list.
I am hoping to attend as many panels and Q&As as possible, as well as hear about up coming projects some of my favorite authors/creators will be apart of in the future. If you are in the Chicago area, I highly recommend checking out BookCon this year. For more information go to: http://www.thebookcon.com.
For now, I say good night and hope that the my random ramblings have peeked your inner bookworm.
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